9 research outputs found

    Plan estratégico de mercadeo para la empresa gestión & servicios EST (empresa de servicios temporales)

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    La empresa Gestión & Servicios EST cuenta con 20 años de constitución legal, su quehacer consiste en prestar servicios de Gestión del Talento Humano y proveer Personal en Misión de todo tipo a empresas tanto públicas como privadas, su crecimiento y reconocimiento en el mercado no es acorde con la edad de la empresa por lo que el principal objetivo de este trabajo consistió en formular un plan de mercadeo que le permita el mejorar su posicionamiento en el mercado, para lo cual se realizó un análisis del entorno interno, a través de varias entrevistas a los socios y empleados; y externo, que incluye a la competencia, los clientes y proveedores, para de esta manera evidenciar las posibles fallas que limitan el crecimiento y las posibilidades que tiene de mejorar la condición actual, así mismo se hizo la revisión y actualización de la propuesta de valor vigente y se emitieron una seria de estrategias para la fidelización de clientes a partir de una que contenga elementos diferenciadores que vincule a todos los miembros la organización.The Gestión & Servicios EST, has over 20 years as an incorporated business, its core business is personnel outsourcing services and recruitment for all type of companies in Public and Private sector. Their growth and renown in the market are not aligned with the company aged, for this reason the main objective of this work resides in establishing a marketing plan that allows improvement in their market position. In consequence an environmental analysis was performed, using multiple interviews with partners, employees, customers, suppliers and competition to expose probable faults limiting growth and the possibilities to improve current conditions; additionally a revision and update of the current Value Proposition was done and formulated a series of strategies to increase customer loyalty from a difference that involves all members of the organization

    Business plan for the creation of a Kindergarten in the city of Villavicencio

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    En los últimos años, la ciudad de Villavicencio ha presentado un crecimiento poblacional notable, de acuerdo con el censo realizado por el DANE en el 2005, se registraron 380.328 habitantes y en el 2018 se registraron 531.275 habitantes, esto equivale a un aumento del 39,69%, las condiciones favorables de empleo debido al auge en los precios del petróleo en Colombia han influido en este comportamiento, uno de los mayores productores de petróleo del país es el departamento del Meta, esta condición presenta oportunidades para diferentes servicios y productos. Esta propuesta de emprendimiento incluyo factores diferenciadores e innovadores, haciendo de la misma una opción atractiva que se destaque en su sector. El modelo pedagógico a emplear, integrará dos métodos de enseñanza reconocidos y preferidos por padres de familia según consultas de mercado, como lo son el método Montessori y el método Kumon, se contará con la posibilidad de prestar el servicio en modalidad presencial y virtual. Se usará CrowdFunding como vía de financiamiento, ofreciendo una rentabilidad del 10%, en un periodo de recuperación de 2,62 años, descuentos y bonos de consumo para los servicios prestados por el jardín infantil. La inversión requerida para la creación y apertura es de 200 MCOP, el punto de equilibrio se logra con la prestación del servicio a 39 niños, el VPN simulado a cinco (5) años fue 182MCOPyunaTIRde29,30Thisentrepreneurialproposalincludeddifferentiatingandinnovativefactors,makingitanattractiveoptionthatstandsoutinitssector.Thepedagogicalmodeltobeusedwillintegratetwoteachingmethodsrecognizedandpreferredbyparentsaccordingtomarketinquiries,suchastheMontessorimethodandtheKumonmethod,therewillbethepossibilityofprovidingtheserviceinfacetofaceandvirtualmode.CrowdFundingwillbeusedasameansoffinancing,offeringareturnof10182 MCOP y una TIR de 29,30%.In recent years, the city of Villavicencio has presented a remarkable population growth, according to the census carried out by DANE in 2005, 380,328 inhabitants were registered and in 2018 there were 531,275 inhabitants, this is equivalent to an increase of 39, 69%, favorable employment conditions due to the boom in oil prices in Colombia have influenced this behavior, one of the largest oil producers in the country is the department of Meta, this condition presents opportunities for different services and products. This entrepreneurial proposal included differentiating and innovative factors, making it an attractive option that stands out in its sector. The pedagogical model to be used will integrate two teaching methods recognized and preferred by parents according to market inquiries, such as the Montessori method and the Kumon method, there will be the possibility of providing the service in face-to-face and virtual mode. CrowdFunding will be used as a means of financing, offering a return of 10%, in a recovery period of 2.62 years, discounts and consumer bonds for the services provided by the kindergarten. The investment required for the creation and opening is 200 MCOP, the breakeven point is achieved with the provision of the service to 39 children, the simulated NPV at five (5) years was 182 MCOP and an IRR of 29.30%.Magister en Administración de Empresas - MB

    Implementar una herramienta tecnológica de información para la producción y gestión de documentos en la organización Serdan

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    Con el presente RFP, se pretende obtener propuestas el suministro de software para la “Gestion Documental” que se adapte a las necesidades de SERDAN S.A., MISION TEMPORAL LTDA, (Empresas que para efectos de la presente invitación se denominarán ORGANIZACIÓN SERDAN) y que permita controlar el flujo y gestión de los documentos dentro de los procesos, para aumentar la eficiencia y confianza en la posibilidad del uso de la información oportuna y veraz para la toma de decisiones. El software seleccionado debe permitir optimizar dichas tareas, garantizando la calidad en la provisión de los servicios de difusión y comunicación. Como valor añadido, la aplicación debe ser robusta, modular, escalable y compatible con los entornos informáticos que demanda el mercado y, si es posible, construida por y para documentalistas.With this RFP is to obtain proposals providing software for the "Document Management" that suits the needs of SERDAN SA, MISION TEMPORAL LTDA, (Companies for purposes of this invitation ORGANIZATION SERDAN be called) and allows control flow and document management within processes to increase efficiency and confidence in the possibility of the use of timely and accurate information for decision-making. The selected software should be optimized such tasks, ensuring quality in the provision of broadcasting services and communication. As an added bonus, the application must be robust, modular, scalable and compatible with computing environments that demand the market and, if possible, built by and for documentarians

    La RSE como estrategia emergente en las empresas colombianas: el caso de dos organizaciones del sector petrolero

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    Existe una relación entre la estrategia emergente y la RSE que se puede explicar desde el Isomorfismo y el Institucionalismo. Las organizaciones observadas presentan prácticas de RSE orientadas a responder a las demandas contextuales del sector petrolero. A pesar de no tener lineamientos deliberados de RSE, las empresas logran adaptarse y atender a los requerimientos a partir de estrategias y prácticas emergentes para poder continuar su operación.Abstract. There is a relationship between the emerging strategy and CSR that can be explained from Isomorphism and Institutionalism. The organizations studied present CSR practices aimed at responding to the contextual demands of the oil sector. Despite not having deliberate guidelines for CSR, companies are able to adapt and meet the requirements based on emerging strategies and practices in order to continue their operation.Maestrí

    Proceedings of the International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences

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    Interdisciplinarity is the main topic and the main goal of this conference. Since the sixteen century with the creation of the first Academy of Sciences, in Napoles (Italy) (1568), and before that with the creation of the Fine Arts Academies, the world of science and arts began to work independently, on the contrary of the Academy of Plato, in Classical Antiquity, where science, art and sport went interconnected. Over time, specific sciences began to be independent, and the specificity of sciences caused an increased difficulty in mutual understanding. The same trend has affected the Human and Social Sciences. Each of the specific sciences gave rise to a wide range of particular fields. This has the advantage of allowing the deepening of specialised knowledge, but it means that there is often only a piecemeal approach of the research object, not taking into account the its overall complexity. So, it is important to work for a better understanding of the scientific phenomena with the complementarity of the different sciences, in an interdisciplinary perspective. With this growing specialisation of sciences, Interdisciplinarity acquired more relevance for scientists to find moreencompassing and useful answers for their research questions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proceedings of the International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences

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    Interdisciplinarity is the main topic and the main goal of this conference. Since the sixteen century with the creation of the first Academy of Sciences, in Napoles (Italy) (1568), and before that with the creation of the Fine Arts Academies, the world of science and arts began to work independently, on the contrary of the Academy of Plato, in Classical Antiquity, where science, art and sport went interconnected. Over time, specific sciences began to be independent, and the specificity of sciences caused an increased difficulty in mutual understanding. The same trend has affected the Human and Social Sciences. Each of the specific sciences gave rise to a wide range of particular fields. This has the advantage of allowing the deepening of specialised knowledge, but it means that there is often only a piecemeal approach of the research object, not taking into account the its overall complexity. So, it is important to work for a better understanding of the scientific phenomena with the complementarity of the different sciences, in an interdisciplinary perspective. With this growing specialisation of sciences, Interdisciplinarity acquired more relevance for scientists to find moreencompassing and useful answers for their research questions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio